
Welcome to My Academics Web Page.

Here you can find my résumé, information regarding my research (both undergrad and law), links to academic resources, departments and syllabi, and some of my papers of the past three years. Or you may return to the main page.
(Note: some texts may not be in English.)
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Projects & News:
  • Fall 2001--Spring 2002: Continued research with Professor Leslie (see below) on a
    Contract Law study aid: I summarized classic contracts cases, their standards, and rules.
  • Summer '01: I have finished my research with U.Va. professor of law, Doug Leslie, on the
    enforceability of liability releases (waivers) in sports law. (If you are interested, MT and VA
    are the exceptions, not enforcing them.)
  • Fall '99: My Charles Center Int'l scholarship project is finished; I researched
    "Juvenile Delinquency and Immigration in the 'quatre-vingt-treize' "

    (the 93rd department in France).
  • 1999: Induction into Phi Beta Kappa.
  • May '99: I have finished the translation of a local historical monograph,
    from French to English. ("Bousseviller—un village lorrain.")

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    Resume PBK Key

      My current résumé:
    My résumé as a Microsoft WinWord 6.0 document. (resume.doc)
    My résumé as an AdobeAcrobat PDF document. -1- (resume.pdf)

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    Note: all are saved in the WinWord 6.0c format, standard US letter page size.     (c) 1997-2000 Andreas Stargard. Last updated: May 2000.
    Phil. = Philosophy Hist. = History Govt. = Government

    The Paper that came after, and in consideration of, the other papers:
    my William and Mary Diploma. (As .jpg image file)
    Consistency, Completeness, and Theorems of the Axiomatic System
    of the Principia Mathematica.
    — (As modified by Paul Bernays.) Phil.
    Cemeteries in the Enlightenment. (PDF version) -1- — (Research paper for the William and Mary
    Monroe Scholarship. If interested, please take a look at the gallery with cemetery photos.) Hist.
    " «Reductionism:» Nagel, Nickles and Fodor—the Disparate Triumvirate." Phil.
    " «Free Agents» and «Responsible Persons»—the Self at the Heart of the Free Will Issue." Phil.
    Fluidity of the Tao, Rigidity of Confucianism? On an apparent distinction between
    the philosophies of Confucius and Chuang Tze.
    The Division of Saint-Simonism. (Saint-Simon vs. Pere Enfantin.) Hist.
    Christianity in Hume's "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Hist.
    D'Alembert's "Preliminary Discourse" of the Encyclopedie. Hist.
    Konrad von Marburg and the Inquisition in Germany in the 12. and 13. Centuries. Hist.
    Language in Nishida Kitaro, An Inquiry Into the Good. Phil.
    Watsuji Tetsuro — Rinrigaku and Go. Phil.
    Keiji Nishitani — Life soku Death. Phil.
    On the Coherence of Space and Time in Heidegger's Being and Time. Phil.
    Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling — Faust in Problema III. Phil.
    Some early thoughts on "Ephemerality and Go." Phil.
    Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Ch. VI., We Scholars. Phil.
    Sartre's Being and Nothingness, Part D. Phil.
    Women and Terrorism. Govt.
    Critique of a textbook chapter on Globalization. Govt.
    The European Central Bank (ECB) Govt.
    Two Applications of Game Theory. — (Personal / historical case studies:
    parking tickets / the 1977 Lufthansa "Landshut" hijacking.) Govt.

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    outside links

    The general
    academic resources page of William and Mary (@
    — Go directly to the undergraduate arts and sciences programs.
    — The Philosophy Department's home page and the Philosophy Club.
    — For students: the WORCS and LION library catalogue.
    University of Virginia School of Law home page.
    William and Mary undergrad is top 30 in the US News & World Report College Ranking, hovering around #29/#30 nationwide.
    U.Va. Law (top 10) is ranked #7.
    Some links to academic institutions throughout the world.
    The Scientific American, Science Online, Atlantic Monthly, Lingua Franca,
    and the National Geographic.
    Search: You can use JStor via the WM Campus Network (i.e., access is limited to 128.239.x.x addresses).
    The Northern Light search engine is pretty extensive, too, and is not limited to scholarly research.
    Some fun advice on How to have your abstract rejected—guaranteed!

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